New generation Audi A6 will be shown in first half of next year, however, already now German magazine AutoBild has published the first computer drawing of new "six". This car should make a competition of a Mercedes-Benz of an E-class and new BMW 5th series.
Apparently, German designers again will refuse experiments – new "six" will be similar to the present car, and on other models of mark Audi too. Though already nobody is surprised to such conservatism – Audi many years don't changed anything cardinally in external shape of the cars, and by it, marvellously, brings success.
It is expected that new А6 hardly becomes larger than present model, but thus the car becomes easier. Besides, to save fuel system stop start which will stand on all versions А6, system recuperation energy for an onboard network will help. Certainly, engines become more economic also. Though while to speak about which power units will be at "six", prematurely. It is possible to assume only that Germans will refuse engine V10 for the flagman models. Instead of this motor there will be unit V8 with forced aspiration which will give out an order 600 h.p!